Unannounced Unity Game – Prototypes

Some of the early work I did helping to create an unannounced magic/martial-arts First Person game with some cool things I can’t really talk about.

These levels were in an incredibly early stage, thus no documentation had been created for these levels: It was basically me scribbling some stuff with basic shapes.

I also did some game design, helping to refine some unclear game mechanics like the health system, enemy behavior, how the level scripting should be handled, objectives and overall look and feel. These levels were created to be extremely short and upfront, so there was not a possibility for the player to get lost.

We wanted to measure how long it took the player to navigate these spaces, if the objectives were clear and stood out well enough, if it was easy to sequence break and whether it was fun to fight the enemies in spaces similar to these. These levels were featured in a demo build we brought to IndieDevDay 2023, in Barcelona.

The art direction was and still is not 100% defined yet, so it is still very difficult for me to say how will these levels look like in the future.
